From the City of Hamilton:
As previously reported, Riggs Engineering completed a preliminary design in December, showing a cross sectional view based on 1016 mm diameter floatation pipes and a rectangular wave attenuator.
Since then, Kehoe Marine Construction and Riggs Engineering have carried out physical model tests at the Queen’s University hydraulics laboratory. These tests were undertaken in December 2018, January 2019 and March 2019. Hydraulic testing results indicate the new cross-section is compliant and compares favourably with the specified wave attenuation criteria.
Kehoe and Riggs have received results from final testing at Queens University for tensile and sheer strength at the connection between modules of the breakwater. The results provided show acceptable results for strength for the breakwater.
All designs and materials have now undergone Finite Element Analysis testing to assure quality and longevity.
The fabrication of all parts is now complete, and the sub-assembly of these parts is underway on the first modules. There are 12 modules in all that make up the breakwater. Kehoe expects the modules to be completed by mid/end of August 2019.
Once completed, the modules will be placed in the water and connected at Kehoe’s site in Lansdowne, Ontario. The fully assembled unit will be towed in one continuous section to Hamilton. Favorable conditions are required for the trip across Lake Ontario. Kehoe fully expects the installation at Hamilton West Harbour to be complete by the end of September 2019.
The existing breakwater will remain in position until the new breakwater arrives, with Kehoe’s crew checking its position and structure often. It has been monitored throughout the spring and summer and is performing its wave attenuation duties as expected.
Once again, Kehoe and Riggs understand the breakwater issue has been a disruption to Hamilton’s West Harbour Marina operations. Their teams are taking the time required to ensure we have a safe harbour for many years. While keeping the approach that quality and longevity are top priority, they understand the City and the Hamilton Port Authority’s need to have this work carried out as soon as possible.
Ed English
Senior Project Manager
Waterfront Development Office
City of Hamilton
Waterfront Development Office
Engineering Services, Public Works
400 – 77 James Street North
Hamilton, ON L8R 2K3