Hamilton West Harbour Marina Breakwater Update
Riggs Engineering completed a preliminary design in December, showing a cross sectional view based on 1016 mm diameter floatation pipes and a rectangular wave attenuator.
Kehoe Marine Construction and Riggs Engineering have carried out physical model tests at the Queen’s University hydraulics laboratory. These tests were undertaken from December 17 to 21, 2018 and January 8 to 11, 2019. The new cross-section is compliant and compares favourably with the specified wave attenuation criteria. Preliminary hydraulic test results are presented in the figures attached. The contract requirements are represented by the red squares. Test 1-H refers to the cross-section
currently being proposed for final design. The cross-section drawing is attached as Figure 1. Along with the above testing at Queen’s University, all designs and materials will have undergone Finite Element Analysis testing to assure quality and longevity.
The steel tube floats were ordered on Dec 21, 2018 and delivery to Kehoe’s shop is expected by Feb 15, 2019. Fabrication of parts and sectional units will continue throughout the winter until completion. The breakwater will be fully completed at Kehoe’s shop and assembled in the water at their
site in Lansdowne, Ontario. The fully assembled unit will be towed in one continuous section to Hamilton in the spring. Favorable wind conditions are required for the trip across Lake Ontario. The existing breakwater will remain in position until the new breakwater arrives.
Kehoe and Riggs understand the breakwater issue has been a disruption to Hamilton’s West Harbour Marina operations. Their teams are taking the time required to ensure we have a safe harbour for many years. While keeping the approach that quality and longevity are top priority, they understand the City and the Hamilton Port Authority’s need to have this work carried out prior to the 2019 boating season. It is Kehoe and Riggs goal to have the new breakwater installed as soon as the weather will permit in the Spring of 2019.