June is soon…

As you may be aware, Premier Ford announced today that the Stay-At-Home will be extended to June 2nd. Unfortunately, while we can continue with launch activities, our season cannot kick off until this order is lifted. 

Until then, Harbour West will continue to operate under the same conditions and safety policies that we have been since the order went in to effect. This includes providing access to the storage yard and marina slips by appointment in advance of your visit.

Appointments can be scheduled through the marina office at info@harbourwest.ca or by phone at 905-525-3622. Our launch operations are continuing as scheduled and we have already launched more than one hundred boats in preparation for our 2021 summer season!

The City’s waterfront construction – including our new fuel dock – will continue on through the extended Stay-At-Home order as well. The curbs and paving are underway for the new entrance roadway this week. The concrete and steel-capping for the dock wall will begin next week, and the access ramp is to be installed as soon as that work has been done.

Access to the East docks is still available for shuttle service which runs Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (please schedule your appointment in advance).

While we have to wait a little bit more before our season can really start, we’re finally seeing the warm, sunny weather that means summer’s almost here. 

We can’t wait to see you out on the docks soon!