Marina update.
The engineer is still reviewing the pressure situation in the washrooms. The electrician was on site this past week to install additional cable hangers on the ramps and docks to support the electrical cables. He also checked on the areas where the loops of cable into the pedestals are a little long, and corrected them. He also installed the two firehouse pedestals that were missing on HPA’s B dock.
Breakwater update.
The meeting between Kehoe and Riggs is scheduled for Wednesday August 15th. Ken will be meeting with City Legal and Risk Management staff to discuss the outcome of the meeting on Thursday the 16th.
City staff, including Legal and Risk Management, together with the Hamilton Port Authority are currently discussing mitigation measures for this fall and will provide an update in the near future.
The navigation lights that Kehoe ordered are in; they will be installed at the time of their next visit to check on the breakwaters.
The City’s engineer, Ausenco, has sent in their report on the breawaters; it is being reviewed by City staff.